This is the new AI that generates hyper-realistic videos and you can use it for free now

OpenAI made a big impression when he presented sora last February. This text-to-video generative AI amazed with its capabilities and, although it was not the first of its kind, yes the one that offered the best results to date. This Wednesday, Luma Labs has announced the launch of what may become the main competitor to Sam Altman's company's AI model due to its excellent results and another even more important detail. While Sora has not yet been released, Dream Machine is now available for anyone who wants to use it. And free.

Luma Labs has explained that Dream Machine is a new model of Multimodal AI Designed to create high-quality, realistic videos from both text and images. Logically, this has led many users to dedicate themselves to animating popular Internet memes.

It is not the first foray of this American company into generative AI. At the beginning of the year, Luma Labs presented Geniea generative AI to create 3D models from text and which was very well received.

Dream Machine has been designed to be a highly scalable and efficient model that stands out for understand better than others how people, animals and objects interact with the physical world and its compelling representation of movement. According to Luma Labs, Dream Machine is 'capable of generating physically accurate, consistent, and eventful videos.' It also places emphasis on its cinematic character for its 'infinite variety of fluid, cinematic and naturalistic camera movements that respect the concept and content of the scene'.

It has its mistakes, as does Sora, but it can already offer spectacular results and it is to be expected that it improves at the same accelerated pace as other generative artificial intelligences.

To try it, you just have to register on the Luma Labs websitewhich gives access to the generation of 30 videos per month for free. They can be created by entering a prompt, for the moment mandatory in Englishwhich the AI ​​automatically converts and enhances unless that option is disabled, or upload an image for a video with 120 frames and a duration of 5 seconds. The build should take two minutes, but high demand is leading to slower build times.

If the user wants to get more out of it, they can choose between three subscription plans. Paying $29.99 per month, the videos go up to 120 each month. With $99.99, at 400 and with $499.99 at 2,000.