The AEMET puts an end to DANA and warns of the date of the start of good weather

Yesterday summer officially started and AEMET flaunts it with the arrival of good temperatures in Spain. TheDANA that has influenced the climate of the Peninsula will begin to move awaypromising a more stable Friday, June 21, 2024 in terms of weather conditions in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

The majority of the territory will enjoy clear skies or with few clouds, except in the extreme north, where cloudier skies and potential light and scattered rains could occur. These precipitations will be more likely and intense in the eastern Cantabrian region and in the Pyrenees.

Clear skies and improved temperatures throughout Spain

In the morning, they are likely to form scattered fog banks in the mountains of the extreme north, the western peninsula and the Strait. Additionally, the presence of low clouds is expected in areas of the northern third of the peninsula, the extreme west and the Balearic Islands. In fact, we cannot rule out the possibility of some light shower in Menorca.

Clear skies in the southern half and the Balearic IslandsJavier EtxezarretaEFE Agency

On the other hand, the development of cloudiness is expected in the northeast quadrant, the central and northwest mountains and in Mallorca, which could result in some isolated showers in the Iberian region and in the eastern Pyrenees. In the case of the Canary Islandsintervals of low clouds are expected in the north of the islands, while in the south it is expected to be slightly cloudy.

In it Cantabrian Sea and the Ebro Valley, winds are expected to blow from the north and west. However, in the Strait and Alborán, the winds from the west will change to the east. Meanwhile, in the area eastern mediterranean, a change in wind direction is expected from north and west to east and south. As for the Canary Islands, the trade winds will predominate, which will be especially strong in the channels between the islands. In the rest of the territory, the winds will be light and variablealthough they are expected to be more intense in coastal areas.

A notable increase in the maximum temperatures in a large part of the Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and the highest altitude areas of the Canary Islands, with an especially significant increase being observed in various areas of Andalusia. However, it should be noted that it is expected local temperature drops in areas belonging to the Mediterranean region and the Cantabrian region. On the other hand, with regard to minimum temperatures, a general rise is expected in the Andalusia region, which will contribute to a warmer weather during the hours of least sunshine.

What can we expect this summer?

Even though we have gone through a start of summer unconventional marked by cool temperatures and episodes of precipitation in certain regions of our country, climatological projections for the summer of 2024 anticipate a scenario of more intense heat than usual throughout the territory. There is a substantially high probability that temperatures will be within 20% of highest measurements historically recorded.

These heat patterns They will not be exclusive to our country, but are expected to be repeated throughout Europe. Predictions point to an exceptionally high probability that the next quarter will be among the warmest that have been recorded in various countries in southern Europe, as well as in regions of northern Africa.

Several people try to get relief from the heat in Bilbao during the fifth heat wave of the summer that has raised temperatures above 40 degrees.
Several people try to get relief from the heat in Bilbao during the fifth heat wave of the summer that has raised temperatures above 40 degrees. Javier ZorrillaEFE Agency

Furthermore, climate projections suggest that the next quarter will be drier than usual. This trend is especially forecast for the northern regions and inland areas of the Iberian Peninsula, where precipitation is expected to decrease considerably. However, from the very AEMET Remember that rain forecasts are less accurate than temperature forecasts.