Marlaska plans to “dismantle” the National Police in Catalonia

The absence of offer of national police positions new entry for the Judicial Police and Information groups is, in the opinion of the JUPOL union, a new example of the progressive dismantling that has been carried out by the Ministry of the Interior in Catalonia.

A measure that would add to the intention, of which this union has been aware, that the Administration intends reduce by half the Information and Judicial Police groups in the police stations of Catalonia. Thus, they denounce that the Government of Spain is betting on the Mossos D’Esquadra, while continuing to deny salary equalization and dignified retirement to national police officers.

From JUPOL, they describe as “incomprehensible” the policy that the General Directorate of the Police has been carrying out, which only aims to reduce the conditions of the national police in Catalonia. “A policy that It has even led to giving up the space of the Higher Police Headquarters of Cataloniathe Vía Laietana police station, for the interests of the independentists, turning this police facility into a shared space between the police and those who intend to put an end to the National Police in Catalonia,” they denounce.

On the other hand, it must be noted that this way of acting goes against the demands of the agents, who, year after year, have demanded that it be declared Catalonia as an Area of ​​Special Singularity.

Abandonment of the Government to the National Police

Nor is it the first time that the abandonment suffered by the national police stationed in Catalonia by the Administration has been reported, given the climate of attack, harassment and hatred towards the National Police that has been experienced in this autonomous community since the beginning of the independence process. Harassment that includes his family.

For all these reasons, JUPOL has demanded that the Ministry of the Interior, headed by Fernando Grande-Marlaska, proceed with the declaration of a Special Singularity Zone for Catalonia and thus avoid the uprooting and departure of National Police agents. They demand the minister to apply the Incentive formulas for agents of the State Security Forces and Corps who are stationed in Catalonia, in the same way as those stationed in the Basque Country or Navarra, which includes an economic supplement, days of leave and scale.

In the opinion of this union, this declaration would achieve the roots of the National Police who provide their service in these areas, as well as the creation of an attractive destination for newly recruited police officers. Likewise, transfers to other communities of agents and the vacancies that occur for this reason would be considerably reduced and thus, achieve a continuous and effective service, made up of agents experienced in their work beyond the “first destination” or “passing destination”turning these positions into stable destinations.