Gary Lineker’s words that explain the pact between PP and PSOE, according to Puigdemont

Yesterday afternoon, Tuesday, the long-awaited news of the agreement between PP and PSOE to renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) after five years expired. Pact to which both parties added the presentation of an organic proposal to “strengthen the independence of the Judiciary, as recommended by the European Commission in its report on the Rule of Law.”

The reactions were immediate and one of the most striking was that of the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont. The Catalan politician used some of the footballer’s words Gary Lineker to explain the pact between popular and socialists. And he did it through social networks.

“In Spain, democratic regeneration consists of the same thing that one day Gary Lineker said of football (‘a sport invented by the English, in which They play 11 against 11 and Germany always wins‘): They are announced by left-wing governments and the PP always wins“; Puigdemont assured.

And, in the opinion of the former president of the Generalitat, the PP “wins” with the agreement to renew the General Council of the Judiciary closed yesterday in Brussels. Because, although “democratic regenerations” are announced by left-wing governments, the PP always wins.