De la Fuente gets tough: these are the large fines to which the footballers of the Spanish team are exposed

La Roja finished the first phase of the Euro Cup without conceding for the first time in its history and achieved its place in the round of 16 with a fullThe performance of “La Roja” excites the fans and at the team’s base camp there is a good vibe and optimism to face the road – which will not be easy – to the final of the continental tournament.

However, although the good atmosphere reigns in the La Roja concentration, The footballers are no strangers to the discipline imposed by coach Luis de la Fuente.

Yes a few days ago, the most commented issue was the strict discipline imposed by Luciano Spalletti on the members of the Azurra, Now it has come to light the hefty fines to which the players of the Spanish team are exposed.

An analogue Italy

Luciano Spalletti, coach of Italy, is clear that they have come to Germany to work and defend the title and for this the coach has imposed rules on his players so that they do not lose focus.

First of all, has banned the use of the Play Station“I want the old camps, with old habits and atmosphere. If modernity means playing PlayStation until the early hours of the morning with the match the next day, then it doesn’t work,” he argued at a recent press conference. At the Italian camp they have a games room with ping-pong, billiards, a pinball machine and some consoles with racing car simulators. All under control.

In addition, Certaldo’s coach has also restricted the use of mobile phones during his concentrations. They cannot be used in the players’ common spaces and there is no more wearing headphones on the bus or before games.

Fines in Spain

But in Spain There are also details that the coach is not willing to tolerate and that lead to harsh sanctions for the players.

This is what the captain revealed, Álvaro Morata, in a live show with Isabel Forner, DJ Mariio and Miguel Ángel RománThe journalist has shared the video on his TikTok account where the ‘La Roja’ striker reveals the figures that footballers have to pay, for example, for being late.

@miguelanroman Who will be the one who accumulates the most fines? 😅 @adidas #euro2024#españa🇪🇸#seleccionespaña#deportesentiktok♬ Funny – Gold-Tiger

“The fines are quite harsh,” Morata began by stating and then detailed the sanctions. The red and white striker revealed that They must pay 100 euros for every minute they arrive late for a coach’s talk.Double (200 euros per minute) if it is on match day. But this is not all, the €100 (or 200) adds up to the base fine of €1,000. That is, if any player arrives 5 minutes late, you must pay 1,500 euros or 2,000 if it is the same day of the meeting.

“There is someone who gets lost and is heard in the middle of the hallway running at a sprint,” said Morata.

Some rules that undoubtedly help to maintain control in a locker room who faces a tough road until the final on July 14. The rival in the round of 16, with Croatia already out, is between third in group E (Romania, Belgium, Slovakia and Ukraine) and third in F (Turkey, Czech Republic or Georgia). Spain’s next rival, already in the quarterfinals, would emerge from the duel between Germany and Denmark and if it advances to the next round, Portugal or France await us in the semifinals.