Castilla y León creates a Telecommunications Table to get out of the queue in fiber and 5G coverage

Castilla y León is at the bottom of Spain in internet connectivity. Fiber optics reach 83.3 percent of connected homes and businesses, compared to 92.5 percent of the national average with access at download speeds of more than one Gigabit per second (Gbps). While in mobile networks, 5G, coverage reaches 80.75 percent of homes and companies in the Community, compared to 92.3 percent of the country as a whole, which places Castilla y León third from last in extension. of this technology.

With this data in hand, and with the aim of reversing this situation, the Telecommunications Roundtable was launched this Tuesday in Castilla y León, chaired by the Minister of Mobility and Digital Transformation, María González Corral, who highlighted that this new organization will try to transfer the “reality” of the Community to the Government of Spain, which he recalled is the one that executes the funds for the Unico Banda Ancha program.

“Without fiber or 5G coverage it is difficult for a company or a self-employed person to establish themselves in rural areas or that the population remains in these areas,” the counselor warned.

On the other hand, this Telecommunications Roundtable will also address the talent generation and training in digital skills. So, they will work through the Board digital skills programstraining citizens and reducing the digital divide, and on the other hand, it will try to generate and attract talent, in all cutting-edge technologies for companies, technology centers and administrations.

“We have great universities with competencies in this matter and what we want is to provide service and support to all companies that need people trained in these skills,” said González Corral, in statements collected by Ical.

Likewise, will focus on “cutting-edge” technologies with the aim of acting in a “uniform” way in the commitment to 5G, Blockchain, supercomputing or artificial intelligence. To do this, they are going to establish this link of communication and debate to analyze what advantages it can have for citizens, companies and the administration itself.

The Table begins its journey with the presence, among other entities, of the Spanish Association for Digitalization (DigitalES); the Regional Federation of Municipalities and Provinces; the Federation of Associations of Information Technology, Communications and Electronics Companies of Castilla y León, (Aetical); the Federation of Telecommunications Installers, (Feitel); the Professional College of Computer Engineers; of the Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Castilla y León; the network of Technology Centers (Noddo), of representatives of the main telecommunications operators in the Community, such as Telefónica, Vodafone, Orange, Adamo, Iberia, Asteo Red Neutra, Avatel Telecom and Lyntia Networks, to which must be added the two representatives of the university sector (USAL and UCAV) who will exercise their functions on an annual and rotating basis.