Apple's next project: a home robot

Apple has been trying to make money beyond its devices and applications for years. One of them was the smart car that he would have worked on for years, but its recent cancellation does not mean that he has completely abandoned his intentions. And this is when the new objective of the California firm arrives: the engineers of Apple are working on the development of personal robots.

According to a report published by Bloomberg, the technology giant has experts working on a robot that would follow us around our home to help us in different tasks.

The report, which cites anonymous sources within the company, states that The project is in a nascent stage and would be overseen by Apple's hardware engineering division and its artificial intelligence and machine learning group.

The boom in applications linked to AI has meant that, on the one hand, an enormous number of applications and resources have been developed, promoting progress in terms of software, but there are few tangible products that They use artificial intelligence, beyond simple deductive algorithms.

In fact, major technology companies, including Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon, are already rapidly driving the development and deployment of artificial intelligence devices.

It is not strange then that Apple has transferred employees from the closed automobile division to artificial intelligence projects generative, among which this robot surely appears.

Not much is known about this device yet. It could be linked to our physical and mental care, something that Apple often focuses on on its own devices. This would be one of the most logical steps, taking into account the aging of the population and the numerous evidence of the use of AI in medicine.

Although in our imagination we think of Apple and an android that combines the physiognomy of C3PO and the brand's typical whites, the reality is that it is not yet known what form it will have, but the most logical thing is that be more similar to a cleaning robotwith a camera and a screen, at most, than a domestic R2D2.