A DANA will leave very strong storms and colder weather

After a few days of rain and storms, more typical of April than June, Stability will prevail with maximum temperatures of up to 35 degrees and plenty of sun, except for some storms in the north and east of the peninsula.. However, stability will not last long and next week will begin with low Atlantic pressures over the country, which will lead to rain and a colder environment

Throughout this weekend, the emergence of air masses from the Atlantic will leave fresh values ​​for the time of year in the entire western half of the peninsula, while on the Mediterranean side warm temperatures are expected, creating a quite marked thermal dipole in the Iberian Peninsulaindicate the Meteored experts.

This situation will be accentuated during the beginning of next week since A large Atlantic trough will approach from the west, dragging a mass of colder air at all levels. that will begin to affect the western end of the Peninsula from Monday and It will also reach the Mediterranean side starting Wednesday.

This trough will also be responsible for a new episode of storms that may be significant, especially in the interior of the eastern half. In addition to the thermal decrease, more important in the western half, The storms could be striking between Monday and Thursday both for their distribution and their intensity.

According to Meteored experts, the first scenario that could occur is that the trough grows rapidly across the Peninsula, leaving significant storms in the east and northeast of the peninsula until Wednesday. And, the second, that This trough would form a deep DANA, which would leave very intense storms in areas of the interior and north of the peninsula until Thursday.. Starting on Thursday, the trough will tend to retreat, facilitating the rise of a small anticyclonic ridge that will favor a rise in temperatures.